Sunday, 17 June 2018


Our past Principals/Dean of College of Vety Sci & AH,Jabalpur

Dr ChelvaAinyger Prof and Head of Anatomy who became Principal during leave vacancy of Dr Mangrulkar, our first Principal 

Dr M Y Mangulkar,MRCVS ,Renounwed Pathologist and our first Principal of of the college  

Dr R.L.Kaushal ,who became first Dean ,Faculty of Vety Sci & AH,JNKVV. He was a visionary and shaped campus in modern form. He also became Vice Chancellor of JNKVV first being a Veterinarian 

Our college library  in new building 

Students attending meeting in the auditorium 

The conference hall ,shaped by Dr SP Netke, Dean of the College

Our RVC office of the college. This NCC wing has brought many laurels to the college 

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