Sunday, 19 May 2013


JVC NEWS LETTER august 2002


On 8th July 2002 the executive body meeting was arranged at 10.00AM in the chamber of the Secretary, JVCAA, College of Veterinary Science and AH, JabalpurThe agenda was discussed and same was approved for presentation to the general body meeting. The agenda  is given with general body meeting and  the points which were approved by the general body meeting :
GENERAL BODY MEETING: The general body meeting was started at 11.00AM in the college auditorium with the registration of  the members. In all , 96 members attended the meeting  The activities which are not covered in the report of the secretary are given below :

               I am pleased to present the 3rd Annual Report of JVCAA to the Honourable Members of the Association. During this one year, we have increased our activities and planning to augment them further. All our activities are directed with two objectives.  One is to build up brotherhood among alumni members, to remain aware of their well being and second is to encourage students of our Alma mater to participate both in academic and extra curricular activities.
Last year, our members were 210 while they are now  241. This is excluding of 5 members from Maharashtra, 4 from Jabalpur. Thus total life members including associate ones are 250. Additionally we have 11 students as our members.
               In view of increase of new members in the Association and due to certain changes in  bio-data of our existing alumini,  it is thought fit to update the directory of honourable members. The cut date is 31st Dec. 2002. I will request our honourable members to submit the changes in their bio-data to the secretary latest by 31st Dec. 2002 so that the changes may be incorporated in the directory. I will further request the veterinarians who could not become members till now should become Association members at the earliest but latest by 31st December 2002. Our target will be a minimum of 300 members of JVCAA prior  to publishing the revised directory. We are planning to release this new directory on the next annual meet of JVCAA to be held on 8th July 2003.
                I am pleased to inform that more participation was witnessed this time from the students. I will like to mention the following:
1.            On 29th June 2002, a Debate was organised on the topic "A scientist as President will help in augmenting future of India"where 9 students participated. Dr. Pandit and his team arranged the debate.
2.            A quiz on the pattern of M.P. Public Service Commission comprising  100 questions was arranged by Dr. H.S. Singh, Prof. of Physiology where 88 students participated .
3.            Four games (Single & Double) i.e. Table tennis, Badminton, Carrom and Chess were arranged between 25th June to 5th July 2002 by Dr. S.W. Amin and his team.
4.            Cultural programme has been arranged by Dr. P.N. Shrivastava, & his team where students are given chance to show their talent. You yourself will witness the  talent of our students in songs and dances in the evening where all members are invited.
5.            JVCAA do care about academic achievements of our students. For this JVCAA is awarding merit cum poverty scholarship of Rs. 300/- p.m. to most deserving students. This year following students are receiving the scholarship.
1.            Shri Rakesh Sharma          IInd Year
2.            Shri S. M.  Tripathi           IIIrd Year
3.            Megha Katare                    IVth Year
The selection was made by Dr. D.N.Shrivastava and his committee.
                I may remind my members that the scholarship programme is depending on the donations made by our honorable members, who think to help their brethren during difficult time. During the year 2001 we have received Rs. 5000/- from Dr. S.K. Pandey and Rs. 3000/- from Prof. A.M. Shrivastava. In the year 2000, JVCAA received Rs. 3000/- each from Dr. A.M. Shrivastava, Dr. S.K.Panday, Dr. R.G. Agrawal, Dr. O.P. Shrivastava and Rs. 1500/- from Dr. G.P. Mishra.
               I appeal my Hon'ble members who are sensitive to the needs of poor students to come forward to donate the maximum amount for JVCAA scholarships so that  we may not only continue the activity but may enhance number of the scholarships.
6.       It's not only  the donation for scholarships, but our members are also willing to reward the most talented students in the form of some award. You may remember that last year, Dr. R.K. Gupta, Mandla, declared Rs. 5001/- cash prize to the most outstanding student of this college. The executives, in consultation with Dr. R.K. Gupta have framed the rules for this award, which are as follows.
(a)           The award will be given to the student of Jabalpur Vety. College, who has secured highest aggregate marks in B.V.Sc. & A.H. Exams.
(b)           He/she should have cleared all the exams in first attempt.
(c)           He/she should have completed the B.V.Sc. degree within stipulated period i.e. 4&1/2 years.
(d)           The award will continue till the survival of the donor (Dr. R.K. Gupta).
               I am glad to declare that Dr. Aditya Mishra, has been selected for Smt. Shanti Devi Gupta memorial Award 2001.
7.            I am pleased to mention that some more members are interested to constitute the award in the name of  their dear ones. It is being submitted for your discussion & approval under the agenda. Similarly the gold medal awards in the name of Dr. Mangrulkar & Dr. H.N. Chelva Iyengar, are also in the agenda.
8.            Further to augment membership and enhancing student's participation, we have started as per executive body decision to collect Rs. 400/- from the students to make them life member. This procedure has not only increased our membership but also creating interest among the students. Further, it is decided to start a student wing of JVCAA where office bearers will be made from among the students and they will help in arranging student programmes.
9.            I am sorry to mention that at one crucial point, we are not getting encouragement- it is our JVC newsletter. Our honourable members will remember that the letter was started to communicate the personal happenings among alumni members.
Regrettably, we are not receiving enough information from the members. Even persons are not communicating their change of address, as a result the news letter is not reaching to its destination. I may remind the members that each issue is costing Rs.3000-3500/- to JVCAA  & looking to poor response and cost of the news letters, we have reduced it’s frequency from 4 to 2 in a year. But let me assure you that the publication of JVC News letter will continue and our next issue will be of Sept 2002. However the news letter depends upon the active participation of our honourable members in this endeavour.
10.          The financial report of JVCAA is to be presented separately by our treasurer. However I wish to mention that we have run JVCAA very judiciously. This is why inspite of all the increased activities, we have not spent much from our capital. You may appreciate that all the 250 members are supposed to contribute Rs.  1.25 Lakhs only to the Alumni Association. Previously JVCAA deposited     Rs. 50000/- FD. Now again FD of Rs 50,000/- is made on 4/ 7/ 02 while about Rs. 30,000/- is in our bank account; the expenditure of the current celebrations will be met with the present deposit and donations. All this has become possible because of strict control of our Treasurer on the finance for which I heartly thank Dr R.G.Agrawal as our treasurer.
          I would like to encash this opportunity to thank our previous Dean Dr. KN.P. Rao who has retired from the services only on 30th June 2002. The JVCAA highly appreciate the efforts & personal interests of Dr. K.N.P Rao in improving this college- specially its campus. The JVCAA also welcome our new Dean Dr. S. K. Pandey who is giving a new shape to the college foundation day, as you will witness today. I thank Dr R.P.Awadhiya for publishing JVC News Letters in time. I thank all my Executives, team members, students who come forward for running the association work smoothly and making the present programme a success.

REGISTRATION OF JVCAA: The secretary informed about the old resolution to register the JVCAA under MP firms and companies act and no progress in this regard could be made. The general body resolved that efforts should be made on priority basis to register the Alumni Association. A committee was formed consisting of Dr SS Verma, ,RPS Baghel, K.P.Singh  beside the secretary and president to look into the matter and to do the needful.

INSTITUTION OF THE AWARDS;  The general body of JVCAA approved institution of  the awards in the memory of their  relatives  with following general rules :
1.     The awards may be in the name of the person as desired by the donor.
2.     A lump sum amount of Rs 30,000/- (Rs.Thirty thousands) will be paid by the donor to the JVCAA for the said award.
3.     The award will be conferred annually to the students of Jabalpur Veterinary College only.
4.     A committee will be constituted by JVCAA to decide eligibility of the student for the award. The donor or his nominee will  be a member of the said committee.
5.     The award will be in the form of a Gold Medal (silver medal plated with gold) and a certificate.
6.     The award will be given to the student on college foundation day celebrations.

Following awards will be constituted by JVCAA after receiving funds (Rs 30,000 for each award) from the donors as declared by them in the general body meeting:
DR VIDYANAND SHUKLA MEMORIAL GOLD MEDAL: The award will be given to undergraduate student who has secured highest marks in Microbiology .It will start from 2002-2003.
The Donors of the award are Dr Mrs Varsha Sharma (daughter of Dr V.Shukla) and Dr R.K.Sharma ( Son in law)

SMT SHARDA DEVI SHRIVASTAVA MEMORIAL GOLD MEDAL: The award will be given to undergraduate student who has secured highest marks in Surgery.It will start from 2002-2003.
The Donor of the award is Dr S.K.Shrivastava (son).

SMT GANGA BAI GUPTA MEMORIAL GOLD MEDAL . The award will be given to the undergraduate who will secure highest marks in Gynaecology and Obstetrics. It will start from 2002-2003. The Donor is Dr S.K.Gupta (Son ) who has retired as Principal Scientist, Division of  Animal Reproduction, IVRI, Izatnagar.. This declaration is being made by the Secretary,JVCAA , on the written request from Prof S.K.Gupta.
SMT SHANTI DEVI GUPTA MEMORIAL AWARD was started from this year to best out going student of the college and the award was given to Dr Aditya Mishra who received a cash prize of Rs 5001/- and a certificate. Dr R.K.Gupta has constituted the award with the promise to donate every year Rs 5001/- cash to JVCAA for the award till his survival.
Clearing of back log of NAGPUR CHAPTER
Following money was received by JVCAA which was pending towards the members:
1.Dr Tingre   Rs 1000/
2.Nashikkar  Rs 1000/
3. Dr P.R.Linge  Rs 1000/
*4. Dr B.G.Katpatal Rs 1000/
*5. Dr P.N.Sagdeo Rs 1000/
*6.Dr Aiyede Rs 1000/
7.Dr Potbhare Rs 1000/

·        Changed their loan towards donations to JVCAA

Dr S.K.Pandey, Professor and Head of Surgery, College of Veterinary Sci, Jabalpur donated a cheque of Rs 5000/- (Rs five thousands only) towards the JVCAA scholarships.
Dr A.M.Shrivastava, Former Professor and Head, Anatomy, JVC and President,JVCAA donated Rs 3000/- towards scholarship of JVCAA.

Interest free loans: Following members declared the amount towards interest free loan to JVCAA
Dr V. R. Bhave, Nagpur  Rs 8000/
Dr V.K.Shrivastava, Lucknow Rs 1000/

Donations by the members to JVCAA
Following members declared Rs 1000/ as donation towards JVCAA
1.Dr P.G.Najpande, Jabalpur
2.DrH.S.Kushwah,Jabalpur Cheque received
3.Dr J. S. Chati  ,Bilaspur
4. Dr T.K.Banerjee,Jabalpur
5.Dr P.K.Tiwari, Jabalpur
6.Dr P.K.Jain,Jabalpur
7 Dr H.K.B.Parekh, Jabalpur. Cheque received
  8 Dr K. G. S. Rajawat , Jabalpur , Cheque received
Committee formed. To formulate modalities and generation of funds for the gold medal awards in the memory of Dr M.Y.Mangrulkar and Dr Chelva Iyngar, a committee is formed with following members:
1.Dr B. G Katpatal
2 Dr B. S. Phadnaik
3.Dr H.K.B.Parekh
4 Dr A.M.Shrivastava
5 Dr S.K.Pandey
The committee is requested to submit its report within two months.
Following awards of JVC Alumini Association were given to the students during college foundation day ceremony by honourable chief guest Shri Ishwar Das Rohani Dy. Speaker legislative assembly and  Honourable Guest of honour Dr  Ajay Vishnoi MLA.

1.PFIZER Award- 1998- Dr.Miss D.    K. Sobti
2.PFIZER Award- 1999- Dr. Pankaj Jain
3.PFIZER Award- 2000- Dr. Prabhat kumar Pankaj
4.GUPTA Memmorial  Award .      Dr. Aditya Mishra
5.     JVC Scholarship  ---- Dr. D. N. Srivastava
a.     IInd Year Mr. Rakesh Sharma
b.     IIIrd Year Mr. S. M. Tripathi
c.      IVth Year Miss Megha Katare
6.     Quiz   ----- Dr. H. S. Singh
a.      Ist Prize Shri S.S. Thakur  (IInd Year)
b.     IInd Prize Shri K.K. Gupta  (IIIrd Year)
c.      IIIrd Prize Shri Manish Kumar Pandey(IVth Year)
Special Prize Miss Mohita Rai(Ist Year)
Special Prize Shri Rajendra Yadava
7.     Debate  --- Dr. R. K. Pandit
a.      Ist Prize Dr. B. R. Bedi (MVSc)
b.     IInd Prize Sh. Shailesh Kumar shrivastava (IIIrd Year)
c.      IIIrd Prize Sh. Deepak Gupta(IIIrd Year)
d.     IIIrd Prize Sh. Saurabh Anand(IInd Year)
e.      Debate consolation Prize ku. Ablesh Gautam (IInd Year)
8.     Solo Song ---- Dr. P. N. Srivastava
a.      Ist  Prize Sh. Ravi Verma (IIIrd Year)
b.     IInd Prize Ku Sangeeta Barmaiya (IInd Year)
c.      IIIrd Prize Ku. Pratiksha (Ist Year)
d.     IIIrd Prize Sh. Rajendra Sharma (Ist Year)

9.     Duet Song  --- Dr. P. N. Srivastava
Special Prize Ku. Sangeeta                   Barmaiya    & Sh. Alok kumar Singh(IInd Year)

10.                         Painting  ---- Dr. P. N. Srivastava
a.       Ist   Prize Manmeet Singh (Ist Year)
b.     IInd Prize Vikas      Kumar    (Ist Year)
c.     IIIrd Prize Naresh Rajput (Ist Year)
d     Special Prize   Rakesh Sharma  (IInd Year)

11.                        Table Tannis  (Boys) Single   ---- Dr. S. W. Amin
a.       Ist Prize P. K. Singh (IIIrd Year)
b.   IInd Prize Deepak      Gupta  (IIIrd Year)
c.        IIIrd Prize Dr. Rajesh Tripathi (MVSc)
12.                        Table Tannis  (Girls) Single ---- Dr. S. W. Amin
a.      Ist Prize Poonam Gupta  (IV th Year)
b.     IInd Prize Padma Singh (IInd Year)
c.      IIIrd Prize Roopali Khajuriya  (IInd Year)
13.                        Table Tannis  (Boys) Doubles ----- Dr. S. W. Amin
a.      Ist Prize Deepak Gupta & P. K. Singh  (IIIrd Year)
b.     IInd Prize Pramod Sharma (IIIrd yr) & J. S. Rawat (IV yr)
14.                        Badminton (Boys) Single  ----- Dr. S. W. Amin
a.      Ist Prize G. K. Mishra  (IIIrdYear)
b.      IInd Prize Kinsuk Maity ( MVSc)
c.    IIInd Prize Vikas Sharma  (Ist Year)
15.                        Badminton (Boys) Doubles   ----- Dr. S. W. Amin
a.     Ist Prize Pramod Sharma & G. K. Mishra  (IIIrd Year)
b.       IInd Prize Rajesh Thakur  & Vikas Sharma  (Ist Year)
16.                         Carrom Single (Boys)   ----- Dr. S. W. Amin
a.      Ist Prize D. K. Dhurve (Ist Year)
b.      IInd Prize Rajesh Thakur (Ist Year)
c.    IIIrd Prize P. K.             Singh (IIIrdYear)
17.                        Carrom Single (Girls)    ------ Dr. S. W. Amin
a.     Ist Prize Rachana Gupta (IInd Year)
b.     IInd Prize Sarla singh  (Ist Year)
18.                        Carrom Double (Boys)   ------ Dr. S. W. Amin
a.     I st Prize S. S. Yadav (IVthYear)& D. K. Dhurve (Ist Year)
b.     IInd Prize G. K. Mishra & P. K. Singh (IIIrd Year)
19.                        Carrom Double (Girls)   ---- Dr. S. W. Amin
a.      Ist Prize Pooja Rajpuria (IIIrd Year) & Namarata Shukla (MVSc)
b.    IInd Prize Sarala                            singh  (Ist Year) &  Rachana Gupta (IInd Year)
20.                        Chess (Boys)     ----- Dr. S. W. Amin
a.     Ist Prize Veneet Bhardawha (Ist Year)
b.     IInd Prize Purushottam Jaiswal (IVthYear)
c.      IIIrd Prize Vishal Singh Rawat (IIIrd Year)

The college foundation day celebrations were made in the college auditorium from 2.30 PM with presence of Shri Inshwar Das Rohani, Chief Guest ,Dr Ajay Vishnoi , as Guest of Honour ,Dean Dr S.K.Pandey, President of JVCAA Dr A.M.Shrivastava ,Secretary,JVCAA Dr M C Agrawal on the dias . This time Dean Dr S.K.Pandey invited all the retired teaching staff of the college also beside all the present staff, employees and students. The representatives of JVCAA,employees union, student union and President of JVCAA put forward their thoughts for betterment of the institute. Dean Dr Pandey requested the chief guest to sanction funds from MLA quota for one ladies urinal and one room  for the farmers coming from different places of the state. The chief guest very gladly accepted the demand and assured future assistance also for upliftment of the college. The guest of honour Dr Ajay Vishnoi  informed that Rs 1/crore is to be made available to JVC by the Government for its improvement . 54th COLLEGE FOUNDATION DAY

The 54th College foundation day of Jabalpur Veterinary College was celebrated in collaboration with Jabalpur Veterinary College Alumni Association on 8th July 2002 in the college auditorium in the presence of chief guest Shri Ishwar Das Rohani, Deputy Speaker,M.P.Assembly and Guest of Honour Dr Ajay Vishnoi, M.L.A. and Member Board of Management ,JNKVV. Secretary,JVCAA Dr M.C.Agrawal desired filling of vacant teaching posts. Shri Dixit, representative of the employees requested improvement in employee’s quarters. Dean Dr S.K.Pandey desired construction of one urinal for the lady staff and a room for the farmers. Both the demands were accepted by Shri Rohani who promised to construct them from MLA quota. Dr Vishnoi informed about allotment of Rs 1 crore by the state Government to the college for its improvement from   the sale dead of state livestock farms. The chief guest distributed prizes to the students which included Pfizer gold medal to Dr D.K.Sobti, Pankaj Jain and Prabhat Kumar Pankaj and  Smt Shanti Devi Gupta cash prize of Rs 5001/- to Dr Aditya Mishra.


Venue  -College Auditorium             Time 5.00 PM  to 7.00 PM

In the evening ,a beautiful cultural program was arranged by the students of the college which was appreciated by one and all.

ANCHORS         -- Manish & Namita    Convener - Dr. P. N. Shrivastava
                                                                     director – DR. amin & dr k p singh


HAZ-231. .Dr Vijay Kumar Hazari, Suraj Shree, Infront of Police station, Makronia, PO Sagar,MP
VIS-232  Dr G.P.Vishwakarma, 1054,Vijay Nagar,Near Krishi upaj mandi, Opp Agrasen Kalyan Mandapam, Jabalpur
233. NAI-233.  Dr Mrs Upasna Naik C-3,9 ,Hathital Colony, Jabalpur
234. VAI-234 . Dr Manoj Vaish
Block A, Veterinary College Campus,Jabalpur
235. VER-235. Dr Jeetendra Verma, A/17, Welcome Apartment,Sector 9, Rohini, Delhi 85
236. SHU-236. Dr A.K.Shukla 518,   Near Jain Temple ,Garha, Jabalpur
237 SIN-237.  Dr Keshav Pratap Singh, A/7, Veterinary college Campus,Jabalpur
238 GUP-238. Dr Rakesh Kumar Gupta, D-8, Shakti Vihar Complex, Near Wright town stadium, Jabalpur
239. VOH-239. Dr Sukhdeep Vohra B Block, Veterinary College Campus, Jabalpur
240. SIN-240. Dr Brajesh Kumar Singh,C/o Sri Yogeshwar Singh, Mehdawal (West Tola), PO Mehdawal, Dist Sant Kabir Nagar, UP
241 MEH-241 . Dr Kailash Nath Mehra, 104,Ashit Apartment,South Civil Lines, Jabalpur.
242   JAI-242. Dr. Vinod Kumar Jain, 39, M P nagar, Zone 1, Bhopal.
243   NAI-243.  Dr. Ratnakar Laxaman Naik, Block C Ashtavinayak Park, Thatte Nagar, Gangapur Road, Nashik.
244         MEH-244, Dr. B. H. Mehare, 45 New Krishnarpan, Amravati-444605.
245      AMI-245, Dr. S D Amin, 3, Sharda Vihar Colony Amravati Maharastra PIN- 444605.
246      PAT-246,   Dr. Kamalakar Pathak,  MotiNagar Amarvati.MS
MOR 247. Dr V.R.More, Amravati
248      VER-248, Dr. Kailash Chandra Verma, 737 Vijay Nagar Jabalpur-482002.
249     VIS-249,Dr S.K. Vishwakarma ,   G-52, Krishi Nagar Colony, Adhartal. Jabalpur.
250        NEW-250,   col. S. N. Newle,  JDA/HIG-6, Katanga Colony, Narbada Road, Jabalpur-482001.
251    SAI-251, Dr. H. S Saini, H. No. 1469,  Mahanada tank area, Nagpur Road, Jabalpur.
252    DUB-252, Dr. N K Dubey,
Retired Joint Director, Garha, Jabalpur
  253  MUL-253, Dr. A. R. Muley, 1332, Napier town, Jabalpur.
254    KAN-254, Dr. S L Kanoujia, T-180 pallavpuram, phase II, M. D. A. Colony, P O Modi Puram, Meerut 250110(U.P).
255    KHA-255, Dr. R K Khare, F 88/15, Tulsi Nagar, Bhopal.
256    JOS-256, Dr. Shrikant Joshi, 46, Indrapuri Colony, Kishanganj, Mhow, Indore MP

ST.MAR-4  Shri Sudharan Markam, 2neYear S/o Late Shri B R Markam, Village Jadkonga Post Shampur  Dist. Bastar, Chhatisgarh..
ST.UPA-5   Shri Sachin Kumar Upadhyay, 2nd Year C/o Mr. J R Upadhyay, Rt. DSP, A-24, Vijay Nagar Colony, Aamkho, Lashker, Gwalior, M P.
St.SHA-6   Shri Rakesh Sharma, 2nd Year S/o Shri .R.N.Sharma, Torkheda wale, Near Civil Hospital, Dattapura, Morena, M.P.
ST. GUP-7  Shri Deepak Gupta,3rd Year H. No. 1/179, Usha Colony, Dabra, Distt. Gwalior, M. P.
ST.SIN-8    Shri Rakesh Kumar Singh, IV th year Village & PO- Karsar, Via-Raghunathpur, Distt. Siwan, Bihar
ST.KAN-9 Shri    Lakshmi Kant, IVth Year S/o      Shri Rajendra Prasad, Village Kewai, PO Jaitpur, Distt Nalanda, Bihar.
ST.JAI-10 Shri     Anand Kumar Jain, Final Year S/o  Shri Sheel Chand Jain, Village Naindhara, Distt. Sagar, M.P.
ST.BAK-11            Mr. Inderjeet Bakalwar,3rd Year S/o Shri .G.P.Bakalwar Maharana Pratap Colony, Chhapara, Distt. Seoni,480884 , M.P.
ST.SHA 12 Shri Vinod Kumar Sharma, 3rd Year, S/o Dr R.D.Sharma, Near  Dank Bangla, M.S.Road,Kailaras, Dist Murena
ST.HUS 13 Shir Shadab Hussain, 2nd Year, Co Dr Abid Hussain, Near Veterinary Hospital ,Kishwar Dist Doda  182204 J & K


It was resolved in the general body meeting on 8th July 2002 to publish a new directory of JVCAA members incorporating their bio data and omitting the earlier mistakes. It is also decided to incorporate a passport size photograph of the member also. We are publishing the format of JVCAA with the request to fill up the same and paste the photograph and providing his folio number. On receiving the new form, the old form of the member will be discarded. Those who are willing to be new member of the association may also use the form and submit the membership fee (Rs 500/) by demand draft (add Rs 25/ if out side cheque is being submitted)
Shri R K Chaturvedi, IAS and director of Veterinary Services has been replaced with Shri Vipin Chandra Samwal on 4/6/2002 again a IAS as Director of Veterinary Services.  officer.JVCAA fervently desire that the coveted post be filled up very soon by a veterinarian.
Dr .V.K.Hazari,Joint Director, Jabalpur has been transferred to Sagar in the same capacity.
Dr. S K Soni Joined on 12th August as Joint Director Vety at Jabalpur from Sagar
Dr. S K Sharma from slaughter house Jabalpur was transferred to. Vety Hospital ,Katangi
Dr. C L Verma was transferred from veterinary Hospital Katangi to  the  Slaughter house ,Jabalpur.
Dr. S M Khan was transferred from Vety Hospital  Bargi to APanagar
Dr. V K Behre from Disease investigation laboratory Jabalpur was transferred to Veterinary Hospital, Majhoti.
Dr. T K Banerjee was transferred from K V S Mandla to Rinderpest program as Vety Officer, Jabalpur
Dr N.R.NAIR, Kamukara House, Palkulangara (Near NSS High School,),
Trivandrum, Kerala
2.Dr Mrs Pompa Dutt
Duplex No. 16, Ashirwad Homes,Bedinagar,Jabalpur
3.Dr Naseeb Singh Yadav
Vill & PO Nand Gaon
Dist Bhiwani, Haryana


Dr. A. K.  Singh lost his brother on 30th July 2002 at Distt. Raipur.

GRAHA PRAVESH Dr I.J.Sharma purchased  a flat in the Mahaveer Apartment, near sheela talkies, South civil lines, Jabalpur.

Dr N.R.Nair , Professor of Surgery, College of Veterinary Sci & AH,Jabalpur  (Folio No NAI-68 ) retired from JNKVV services on30 May 2002. Dr Nair has joined his parental house at Kerala
Dr N.S.Dhaneshwar, Professor and Head, Department of Microbiology,College of Veterinary Sci & AH,Jabalpur (Folio No.DHA-23) retired from JNKVV services on 30th June, 2002. Dr Dhanesar is residing at Jabalpur on his old address.
Dr K.N.P.Rao, Dean, College of Veterinary Science, (Folio No.RAO-93) retired from JNKVV services on 30th June 2002. Dr Rao has gone to Bangalore after retirement.
Dr K.N.Mehra, Professor, Department of Microbiology,College of Veterinary Sci & AH, Jabalpur (Folio No. MEH-241) Retired from JNKVV services on 30th June, 2002. Dr Mehra is residing at his old address.


Dr S.K.Gupta Retd Professor of animal reproduction has been conferred with fellowship of National Academy of Veterinary Sciences,(India) since  year2000. JVCAA congratulates Dr Gupta for this honour.


4 SD Boys & 2 SW girls Cadet of Jabalpur Veterinary College Unit attended Pre-Republic camp at Bhopal and RDC camp at Delhi during December 2001 & January 2002. respectively. SUO Birender Pathania won second prize (silver medal) in tent pegging Boys veterans’ competition during Horse show (RDC camp) at Delhi.
2.                 .
3.       In a combined Annual training camp of B. V. Sc & A.H. IInd year students held at Barela (Jabalpur) in November 2001, all M. P. NCC Cadets were examined by a   G. K. quiz where our student  Shri Atal Singh Yadav, obtained Gold Medal. A 100-meter race was  also arranged where our student  Shri Mukesh Gurjar received Silver medal.


The acting Vice Chancellor Dr A.S.Tiwari retired on 30th June, 2002 and Dr R.K.Gupta, DRS took over the charge of  Vice Chancellorship. On 12th July 2002 Dr Dhyan Pal Singh  Ex Dean ,Agriculture College  and Professor of Agronomy, CCS HAU, Hisar took over the charge of Vice Chancellor of JNKVV. He was given a warm welcome by the faculty of Veterinary Science ,Jabalpur Veterinary College on 15th July,2002.
On retirement of Dean Dr K.N.P.Rao on 30th June, 2002, Dr S.K.Pandey, Professor and Head ,Department of Surgery took over the charge of Dean ,JVC. Ft S.K.Pandey was transferred on 24th August to Mhow Veterinary College in the same capacity and Dr V.P.Singh, Dean, Mhow Veterinary College took over the charge of Dean, Jabalpur Veterinary College.

 Dr Bedi received young scientist award by the Scoeity of      at Hisar and not at Chitrakoot by M.P.Cos  

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