Monday, 20 May 2013


INTRODUCTION : In the heart of heart, every student has a strong feeling of belonging to his mother institute- College of Veterinary Science & AH,Jabalpur  and  is always eager to know about his alma mater and also where about of his colleagues. In an attempt to stand together on a common platform and to communicate with each other sporadic attempts were made in the past to bring them together . In the year 1952, when first batch came out ,a veterinary college graduate club was constituted with active participation of Drs P.N.Pathak, A.M.Shrivastava, Mahesh Mishra, Adawatkar and later joined by Drs RP.Awadhiya and BG Katpatal,MK Rai,BS Sathe and others. During silver jubilee year celebrations (1975-76) the Old Boys Association was formed with active participation of Drs RG Dhawedkar, GN Kolte,RP Awadhiya, AM Shrivastava and others .They published a list of Veterinary Graduates of the college but this enthusiasm could not be sustained and the Association became dormant after some time.

 On the occasion of the golden jubilee celebrations of the College of Veterinary Sciences & AH ,Jabalpur (erstwhile C.P. and Barar College of Veterinary Sciences,Jabalpur) , about 200 ex-students who had come from different states assembled in the college conference hall at 9.30 a.m. on 17th Feb, 1999. They gave their introduction and also exchanged their feelings. Some of them have met even after 25-30 years. The atmosphere was charged with emotions and sentiments. At this moment they decided to form the Jabalpur Veterinary College Alumni Association (JVCAA) which will help in interlinking the alumni, beside upliftment of the profession and the alma mater. On 18th Feb 1999 ,alumni again assembled in the college auditorium at 10 a.m.. Constitution of the proposed association and its rules and regulations were framed and approved after thorough discussion. Simultaneously, members of the executive council were also elected unanimously for first terms of two years.
PRIORITIES DECIDED : The executive council members located at Jabalpur started meeting frequently for streamlining the matter. All members were unanimous on certain points and tried to rectify them for smooth functioning of JVCAA.
  1. All the members were unanimous that this JVCAA should be given a sound footing so that it may continue forever unlike to past experience where two attempts aborted after some time.
  2. During collection of funds for golden jubilee function, some confusion was created by the Golden Jubilee committee ,chaired by Dr HOP Shrivastava, among the members coupled with no information of postponement of celebration dates. This resulted in resentment by some members. The JVCAA executive showed its helplessness for such deeds but assured total transparency in their action and finances as well.
  3. The first step was to open JVCAA account in the Bank of India (No.     ) and printing of  Receipt books so that every amount received by JVCAA should be authentically acknowledged. It was also decided to publish the financial report every six month .
  4. It was decided to register the JVCAA under Madhya Pradesh Society and Firms Ltd hence the application along with the required fee was submitted to the Registrar. It is a matter of pleasure that JVC Alumni Association was registered on 18th Oct 2002 vide No…. . JVCAA is now persuing to receive income tax rebate ,if possible, on the donations it is receiving from the members.
  5. The treasurer was presenting the financial statement at every six month duration and also during general body meeting being held on 8th July. There was internal control on the finances which are spent very judicially resulting in fixed deposits of Rs 1,00,000/ despite meeting out all the expenses. After registration of the JVCAA , it was decided that the accounts should be checked by a duly qualified Chartered Accountant hence from the financial year 2002-2003 , the accounts are to be audited by a qualified Chartered Accounted . The financial year will be from  April to March of the year.
  6. It was decided to make life members and charging only one time subscription which facilitates fund management. Therefore, Rs 500/ was decided as life membership. A fresh membership derive was made to enrole new members with filling of membership form containing family details . Presently , we are having 286 life members of JVCAA.Out of 158 alumni residing in Maharashtra, 81 have become members of JVCAA
  7. To publish JVCAA  Directory  containing  all the personal information so that members can know  each other more closely. The directory was published on 8th July 2000 incorporating 163 members and distributed free of cost to the members as well as to the new members enrolling thereafter.
  8. To communicate among the alumni in a better way and to exchange important personal events i.e.  promotions, marriage honours , it was decided to publish a JVC Alumni Association News Letter on regular basis. The first JVC Alumni Association News letter was published in May, 1999 and till date ---- have been published by JVCAA.
  9. It was also decided to celebrate college foundation day on every 8th July , irrespective of Sunday or holiday and to convene General Body Meeting of JVCAA on 8th July. No separate letters will be issued to the members in this regard and members may consider it as standing invitation.

ACTIVITIES ; The JVCAA started publishing the News letter quarterly incorporating  items on general body meeting, alma mater news, alumni news, list of new alumni members, change of address, health, death, marriage, honours and distributed among the members. Since cost of publication and postage was high, from the year 2003 , the news letter is being printed  half yearly so that it will maintain its importance and will cut the cost.
Just after formation of JVCAA, it started celebrating college foundation day on 8th July from 1999 and released its first  Directory containing information of 163 members  on 8th July, 2000.The revised directory containing biodata of about 300 members is being released on 8th July 2003, free of cost, as promised to the alumni .The forenoon of the foundation day is devoted to the activities of JVCAA and holding GBM . There is exchange of greetings, introduction of new members , distribution of certificates, reports by the General Secretary, Treasurer, address by the President and felicitations of the members attaining 75 years of age or 50 years of married life, condolences for the departed veterinarians etc The JVCAA is arranging lunch for all its Association members .After noon is for celebrating college foundation day where all the staff, employees and students of the college are invited. . The evening witnesses beautiful cultural program being organized by the students . The celebrations are receiving  full cooperation from the Dean of the college who is also funding cultural program being organized by the students.
STUDENT’S PARTICIPATION : To encourage students of their alma mater ,JVCAA is providing merit cum poverty scholarships one each to the  student of 2nd,3rd 4th and final year BVSc  & AH, arranging games, debate, cultural activities and awarding the certificates to the winners.
To develop pride to their mother institute, it was decided by JVCAA to make student member on a life time subscription of Rs 400/ so that they may be involved more deeply to JVCAA .Till date , there are 19 student members of JVCAA.
AWARDS ; Further boosting of student’s moral came when our alumni started donating  funds for awards to the students. The first award of Rs 5001/ was enacted by Dr R.K.Gupta, Veterinary Officer,Mandla to  the best out going student of the college in the memory of his mother late Smt Shanta Devi Gupta award . This award was first  bestowed to Dr Pankaj Jain ( 2001 batch) on 8th July 2002.
Three more Gold Medal  awards are constituted by JVCAA with the donations received from Drs Varsha Sharma, S.K.Shrivastava and S.K.Gupta  for the students securing highest marks in Microbiology, Surgery and Gynaecology in the fond memory of Late Dr Vidyanand Shukla, Smt Sharda Devi Shrivastava and Smt Ganga Bai Gupta respectively. These awards will commence from 2001-2002 batch and will be awarded first time on 8th July 2003.
Many members are interested that one award should be instituted in the name of first Principal of the college i.e. Late Dr M.Y.Mangulkar and Dr H.N.Chelva Iyangar As four awards have already been instituted for the students, a suggestion has come that we should make the awards as Oration awards where an eminent veterinarian (preferably an alumnus) may be invited to deliver the talk on veterinary profession on 8th July every year.   This has the approval of JVCAA executives and the oration may be started as soon as possible.
ZONAL CHAPTERS : To extend the activities of JVCAA , it was decided to activate the states and cities where a good number of members are existing .Therefore, zonal secretaries were given responsibility to contact the members, arrange meetings regularly etc.
Maharasthra Chapter was  opened pm 7/7/2001 looking  to the large number of alumni belonging to the state as well as their enthuastic participation in JVCAA activities. Maharastra chapter arranged  millennium General Body Meeting at Nagpur on 7th Jan 2001 where 36 members including executives from Jabalpur gathered and exchanged the greetings etc. It is a matter of pleasure that Maharastra chapter is regularly meeting specially on 18th Feb as foundation day of JVCAA, arranging technical meetings, lectures ,workshop  and forwarding the aims of JVCAA. 


I am pleased to present the 5th Annual report of Jabalpur Veterinary College Alumni Association before the honorable members of the Association. This year witnessed the working of a new Executive Council headed by Dr A.G.Khan as President of the Association. Even our Patrons have also changed with introduction of Dr D.P.Singh as Vice Chancellor of the University. However as our members desired Dr A.M.Shrivastava ,our past President , has been inducted as Patron  of the Association for providing his continuous guidance. Likewise , our previous treasurer Dr R.G.Agrawal has been replaced with Dr O.P.Shrivastava but Dr Agrawal is continuing his help in financial matters as internal auditors. Thus there is change but continuity is also maintained for smooth functioning of your JVC Alumni Association.

As reported last year, we have started auditing our accounts from a Chartered Accountant and the annual financial report 2003-2004 of the Chartered Accountant was published in May 2004 issue of JVCAA news letter. More details will be provided by the treasurer in this regard. For me, it is sufficient to mention that our fixed deposit has increased by more than one lach Rs  in this financial year. The financial resolutions passed in the last general body meeting have strictly been followed by JVCAA.

Last year, the General Body decided to arrange lunch to our JVCAA members on every General Body Meeting , being held  on 8th of July every year, from the funds of JVCAA or donations. Therefore, now onwards the lunch will be provided to all our JVCAA members from JVCAA funds or donations.

Our new JVC Alumni Association Directory ,containing information of 297 life members and 27 student members, a sketch  of our Alma mater and that of JVCAA was released on 8th July 2003 by Hon’ble His Highness Governor of Rajasthan Late Shri Nirmal Chand Ji Jain. Our new members may procure this directory along with the membership certificate.

Your Association is attaining new heights and last year we introduced three gold medals for best under graduate performers in Surgery, Microbiology and Gynaecology. This is beside the best out going student award of Rs 5001/ . I am happy to inform that we have received full funds for continuing the gold medals in Microbiology and Gynaecology for ever. However, the gold medal award in Surgery is dropped from this year due to non receipt of funds from the recipient. Nevertheless, to compensate this loss, our Maharashtra Chapter has come forward to institute Dr M.Y.Mangrulkar award. I may remind my young generation that Dr Mangrulkar, a great Pathologist, was the first Principal of this prestigious college. I hope more gold medals will come forward from our honorable members to encourage our students in achieving new goals in the their professional education.

We are encouraging participation of our students in debate, quize, sports, cultural program by arranging the same and conferring different awards to the participants. I will request all of you to witness the cultural program in this evening being arranged by our students for honorable members.
I am tempted to inform my fellow members about the most important events of last year which  has happened to JVCAA. The first is the institution of a SMRITI CHINHA of the college on 27th September, 2003  in the campus. This represents our Veterinary profession and our commitment to uplift our alma mater and the profession as well. The second significant event is inauguration of JVC Alumni Association office in the college campus. This office will help in placing the files and other matters at one place and  will provide a meeting place for our honorable alumni. We will try to provide more information in the office for new comers and also to maintain history of the Association.

For streamlining functioning of JVCAA we need some more funds. I am be holden by the love and faith of our alumni who are generous in donating the funds –be it for scholarships, gold medals or for any other work. I may request only one thing in this regard. Please make payment of your commitments at the earliest and by all means within the financial year. This is due to our financial regulations suggested by our Chartered Accountant.
Lastly, I express my deep sense of gratitude and appreciation to the members who are realizing the importance of the general body meeting and college foundation day celebrations . That’s why they are attending it in larger number , not only from Jabalpur but from different parts  of the country. This is despite their old age and other commitments. We are beholden with your love and commitment to this institution which happened your Alma mater. We salute your spirit and love and hope that the same spirit and commitment will be inculcated to our students who are future alumni of this college.

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